The ABCs of APA Style - Lee Beth
Very few students and even professionals know how to write using American Psychological Association Style. You are not the only one.
Beth Lee knows this to be true, because she has been teaching APA style for more than a dozen years. She’s accustomed to hearing students say things such as: What is APA? How do I use it? Can’t I just use MLA?
The reality is that many professors, instructors, and professions insist on using APA Style. In this guide, you’ll learn how to:
- take down information to make citing easier;
- look up information in style guides;
- memorize the most important rules; and
- avoid the most common mistakes.
While it would be easy to copy and paste web addresses into essays and academic papers, that is not how APA Style works. If you don’t know the rules, your writing won’t be taken as seriously—and if you’re in school—your marks will suffer.
Once you understand the main elements of APA style, you’ll be equipped to use more complex style guides and reference materials. Bolster your academic writing today with lessons in The ABCs of APA Style.
EAN: 9781480846029