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CBEST Math Skill Practice - Complete Test Preparation Inc.

CBEST Math Skill Practice - Complete Test Preparation Inc.

  • CBEST® Math Exercises, Tutorials and Multiple Choice Strategies
79,01 zł
/ szt.
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Over 200 CBEST® math practice questions, prepared by a dedicated team of exam experts, with detailed answer key, Math shortcuts, tips and tricks, tutorials and multiple choice strategies!

CBEST® Math Practice Questions and Tutorials for:

Computation and Problem Solving

  • Basic operations with fractions, decimals and percent
  • Arithmetic
  • Basic operations with positive and negative numbers
  • Estimation
  • Solve word problems
  • Identify equivalent equations and different methods of solving problems

Basic Algebra

  • Solve equations with 1 variable

Graphic Relationships

  • Interpret, and solve problems based on data in graph format
  • Solve problems using data from tables

Basic Statistics

  • Calculate mean, mode and median
  • Calculate probability and predict outcomes

“California Basic Educational Skills TestTM, “ “CBEST®,” and the “CBEST®” logo are trademarks of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and NationalEvaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®).

“NES®” and its logo are registered trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, Inc.TM

You also receive:

  • Math Multiple Choice Strategy
  • How to Study for a Math Test
  • How to make a CBEST® study plan
  • How to Take a Test

Here is what the CBEST® Math Workbook can do for you:

  • Learn then practice your math skills! Practice test questions are the best way to prepare for an exam and this is the book that you need to fully prepare for the CBEST® math test.
  • Practice Tests familiarize you with the exam format and types of questions, giving you more confidence when you take the exam.
  • Practice tests are a critical self-assessment tool that reveals your strengths and weaknesses.
  • CBEST® Practice tests allow you to practice your exam time management – a critical exam-writing skill that can easily improve your grade substantially.
  • Practice tests reduce Test Anxiety, one of the main reasons for low marks on an exam. Hundreds of questions with detailed solutions and explanations to improve your understand of the basic concepts behind the questions.
  • Learn powerful multiple choice strategies designed by exam experts! Includes tips and multiple choice strategies to increase your score you won't find anywhere else!

Practice Really Does Make Perfect!

The more questions you see, the more likely you are to pass the test. And between our tutorials practice questions, you’ll have over 200 practice questions that cover every category.

Our CBEST® Math practice test questions have been developed by our dedicated team of experts. All the material in the tutorials, including every practice question, are designed to engage your critical thinking skills needed to pass the test!

Heard it all before?

Maybe you have heard this kind of thing before, and don't feel you need it. Maybe you are not sure if you are going to buy this book.

Remember though, it only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students!

Even if our test tips increase your score by a few percentage points, isn't that worth it?

EAN: 9781772451580
Kod produktu
Complete Test Preparation Inc.
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