A Daily Walk with God - Marlene Burling
'Take two.' In the film industry, that statement is made because the first take was not good enough. In the case of this book, it's the opposite. Marlene's first book, Morning Meditations, was so successful her second is now in your hands. A Daily Walk with God is filled with practical food for your soul that will spiritually sustain and equip you so that your first take on the decisions of your day will honor God. Marlene is a student of what an authentic walk with God should look like, and writes with helpful insight and clarity. You will be encouraged and motivated to live for the Lord each day as you enjoy the wisdom contained in these pages!
--Dr. Donald A. Shirk, Senior Pastor
Grace Baptist Church, Batavia, New York
You are holding a great book that is written out of the rich experiences of Marlene Burling. She is not only a mother but is one who has served the Lord in many capacities. She has experienced the home-going of her beloved husband, Autry. Before this event, they served the Lord together as a pastor and wife for many years. Marlene Burling writes from the perspective that God's Word is our source of spiritual food as well as our compass for life. Reading the daily devotionals will both challenge and bless your spiritual liife. Take my word for it. You'll appreciate her insight and wisdom.
--Michael J. Peck, DMin
Author and Family Counselor (Retired), Baptist Church Planters, Grafton, OH
The perfect title for Marlene's new book, A Daily Walk with God, is exactly what we need to be doing--walking daily with God. Taking time to read the Bible and to seek God's guidance daily is an essential part of our daily walk. But let us not forget that prayer is our lifeline to God. As we talk with Him, He hears and answers our prayers knowing what is best for our life. As you read these daily thoughts and the brief prayer, stop and reflect on how God is working in your life. It is my prayer that this book will be an encouragement in your daily spiritual walk.
--Dr. Robert Chambers, Chaplain
VA Medical Center, Buffalo, NY
EAN: 9781643140544