The Astral Plane- its scenery, inhabitants & phenomena - Charles Leadbeater Webster
C W Leadbeater was one of the foremost writers on theosophical topics in the early 20th century. He is the father of Neo-Theosophy, a man credited with great occult ability, whose prolific writings cover a wide range of esoteric topics, from descriptions of the super-physical worlds, through humanity's occult past and potential future, to the remote-viewing of atoms and sub-atomic particles. In 'The Astral Plane' he focuses on the plane of existence which lies just above our own, and which we visit during periods of lucid dreaming. Leadbeater's account describes the Astral's environment and spiritual denizens in great detail: here we find descriptions of angels, elementals, fairies, vampires, werewolves and black magicians, and explanations for psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance, levitation, churchyard ghosts, spirit photographs and mysterious bell-ringing. Written in Leadbeater's eloquent, matter-of-fact style, 'The Astral Plane' is one of the best introductions to this otherworldly realm.
EAN: 9781908388483