The Poems of William Wordsworth - William Wordsworth
- Collected Reading Texts from the Cornell Wordsworth, I
The three-volume edition of Wordsworth's poems is the most comprehensive edition now in print and contains reading texts chosen from the 21 volumes of the Cornell Wordsworth. It is without a doubt the most pleasurable way to read Wordsworth entire, and in modern texts. Most of the texts are from the first printed editions, some from the first complete manuscript. Volume 1 includes his earliest work, composed while a school boy and during and after his time at university,and in Somerset and Grasmere: The Vale of Esthwaite, and other juvenile poems, An Evening Walk, Descriptive Sketches, Adventures on Salisbury Plain, The Borderers (the early text, not the one printed in 1842), The Ruined Cottage, Lyrical Ballads (1798 and 1800), the Two-part Prelude, Peter Bell, Home at Grasmere and Poems, in Two Volumes.
The editor, Jared Curtis, is Professor Emeritus of English at Simon Fraser University, also edited 'Poems, in Two Volumes' and Other Poems, 1800–1807, Last Poems, 1821–1850, and was co-editor with Carol Landon of Early Poems and Fragments, 1785–1797, all in the Cornell Wordsworth.
This title is also available as a searchable PDF ebook, from or to Libraries from several aggregatirs including Ingram Digital. A Free PDF Addendum to this edition is now available from Humanities-Eooks, containing additional texts of An Evening Walk, The Baker's Cart, The Ruined Cottage, Nutting, Yew-Trees, the odes of 1815-17, Nab Well and Guilt and Sorrow, with the full 40-page index to the three printed volumes. With the Addendum the complete edition is now 2600 pages.
EAN: 9781847600899