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39 All-natural Breast Cancer Juice Recipes - Joe Correa
AutorzyJoe Correa
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39 All-natural Breast Cancer Juice Recipes - Joe Correa

  • The Most Effective Way to Treat and Prevent Breast Cancer through Organic Ingredients
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39 All-natural Breast Cancer Juice Recipes: The Most Effective Way to Treat and Prevent Breast Cancer through Organic Ingredients

By Joe Correa CSN


Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women and it is extremely important to learn the facts about the biology of breast tissue and the symptoms of this terrible disease.

A women's breasts are made of glands that produce milk for breastfeeding, fat, and connective tissue. This tissue develops during puberty with normal cell growth over the years.

Just like any other types of cancer, breast cancer starts with abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth. The cause of this process is unknown, but fortunately, the symptoms are quite obvious and can be spotted quickly. It's crucial to notice the earliest symptoms which include:

  • A change in the skin texture around the nipple area. These changes include unusual nipple tenderness or thickening of tissue. These abnormalities are usually followed by an enlargement of pores that patients describe as an orange peel. In these cases, the skin or the nipple becomes red and changes its natural color.
  • A newly formed lump in the breast area. It’s important to mention that all lumps require your attention and should be examined by a healthcare professional.
  • Abnormal change in the size of one or both breasts. If you notice some unexplained growth or swelling of the breast tissue, it’s important to visit your doctor.  The same goes for unnatural shrinkage of one or both breasts.

- An unexplained milky discharge from one or both breast can also mean an early development of breast cancer and should be examined by your doctor.

Fortunately, new medical treatments have dramatically improved the survival rate in women suffering from breast cancer.

I sincerely hope this book will increase your awareness of this serious disease and teach you how some simple lifestyle changes can dramatically improve your health and prevent any life-threatening conditions.

In this book, you will find amazingly delicious juice recipes that are based on super-healthy ingredients which are proven to boost up the immune system and fight off different types of cancer, including breast cancer. These juices are extremely easy to make and won't take much of your time. When combined with a regular self-exam, these foods are the key to preventing this horrible disease.

Stay happy and healthy with these great breast cancer preventing juices!

EAN: 9781635317374
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