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Life in the Universe - Marshall Summers
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Life in the Universe - Marshall Summers

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For thousands of years, humanity has looked into the night sky and wondered: who is out there? Now you have a chance to travel into that night sky, to go beyond wondering and experience for yourself the reality and spirituality of life beyond our world. This book is a window into the living story of our universe: the realities of trade, travel and conflict in space; the birth and death of civilizations across the stars and the greater plan and purpose of a Creator who oversees the spiritual progress of life in all galaxies. Enter a universe that is alive with danger, mystery, relationship and purpose. Explore the unfolding narrative of life in our own region of space and learn about the struggle for freedom now occurring beyond the borders of our solar system. Marshall Vian Summers has been engaged in a process of Revelation for over 30 years. The outcome of that revelation, this book reveals what life is really like in the universe, something human science and speculation may never fully uncover. Much more than a book, Life in the Universe is an open doorway to a greater human experience. Unfolding before you page-by-page, is a story and a vision of the living cosmos, the complexity of interactions between worlds and the future that awaits us as we enter this larger arena of life. Go beyond the limits of a purely human vantage point and immerse yourself in this "Greater Community," a vast universe of intelligent life that has always called to you.

EAN: 9781884238499
Kod produktu
Marshall Summers
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Oprawa Skórzana

Darlene Mitchell
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