Stinky Stevens Book 3 - Ron Wheeler
- The Missing Soggy Soccer Shoe
Stinky Stevens started out as a comic strip, became a children's book series, and may eventually even become a comic book. Whatever the format, the concept is the same: Stinky is one of the few in the story who knows the real truth about life ... that is, everyone in his world is a cartoon character drawn by an all-powerful cartoonist with a seemingly warped sense of humor. The cartoonist does have a plan, at least Stinky thinks he does, but he never seems to do what anyone expects ... sort of like real life.
• Target Audience: Elementary age boys. These books were a huge hit with that group during Ron's summer Cartoon Camps.
• Book Type: 100+ page humorous readers with b/w cartoon art on every page (similar to Captain Underpants or Diary of a Wimpy Kid).
• Theme: Stinky Stevens is one of the few in the story who know the REAL truth ... that is, there is a caring cartoonist out there who created and controls everything in their world, yet rarely does what anyone expects.
• Why this series: There is very little literature in the marketplace that can reach elementary age boys with truths about God in a way they will want to read.
• Ron Wheeler's credentials: He's been a full-time cartoonist primarily for Christian ministries and publishing companies since 1980. You can learn more about his work and view his portfolio in the About Us section at
EAN: 9781592692545