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The Modern Stand Mixer Cookbook for the New Bride - Krysten Brantley
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The Modern Stand Mixer Cookbook for the New Bride - Krysten Brantley

  • 100 Incredible Recipes for Getting the Most Out of Your New Stand Mixer
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THE Essential Cookbook for one of the Most Exciting Times of Your Life!

Are you ready to make the most delicious and mouthwatering treats ever? Do you want to wow your loved ones with the most crave worthy food?

The Modern Stand Mixer Cookbook for the New Bride: 100 Incredible Recipes for Getting the Most Out of Your New Stand Mixer us loaded with beautiful color photos, and explains how this remarkable device makes EVERYTHING easier. Get the most out of every meal AND the most out of your stand mixer with this expansive recipe collection that covers all the essentials.

This book will have you preparing sophisticated, amazing meals with complete ease. Get ready to enjoy a wealth of exquisitely crafted recipes.

When you incorporate your new stand mixer into your everyday life, you’ll be amazed at how much easier cooking becomes. Get ready to be a master of your kitchen.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll get from this cookbook:

  • Flat Beater recipes including everything from all manner of cakes, pies, and cookies, to mousse, meatballs and dips
  • Dough Hook recipes such as homemade cinnamon rolls, biscuits, bagels, and all the amazing bread recipes you can handle
  • Wire Whip recipes with all kinds of frostings, icing, and toppings to quiche, cocktails, and chicken soup
  • You’ll also get recipes for ice cream, homemade pasta and ravioli, sauces, even how to make your own sausage and brats (your husband will be blown away)

Don’t delay – Get your hands on The Modern Stand Mixer Cookbook for the New Bride right away.

Get it today.

EAN: 9781945056444
Kod produktu
Krysten Brantley
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