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97 Organic Juice and Meal Recipes For People Who Suffer From Heart Disease - Joe Correa
AutorzyJoe Correa
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97 Organic Juice and Meal Recipes For People Who Suffer From Heart Disease - Joe Correa

  • Give Your Heart the Tools It Needs to Get Stronger!
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97 Organic Juice and Meal Recipes For People Who Suffer From Heart Disease: Give Your Heart the Tools It Needs to Get Stronger!

By Joe Correa CSN


Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world. A wide range of conditions that affect the heart can become a serious problem for middle-aged as well as older people. Once the disease is diagnosed, it lasts for life which is why your doctor will advise some medications and lifestyle changes. This part is crucial in keeping the condition under control. On the contrary, heart disease will get worse over time.

Heart disease is a serious problem all over the world. The lack of exercise, an inadequate diet, and other unhealthy habits can negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Making a consistent change to your diet is the first and most important step to having a stronger heart and a longer life.

Fortunately, changing lifestyle choices, a healthy diet, and moderate exercise can reduce the risk of getting heart disease, or at least, control the existing condition.

A diet low in saturated fat and trans fats is essential. Eating fruits and vegetables, fiber rich foods, whole grains and fish are delicious options. These recipes will help you enjoy delicious meals and keep you on the right track towards a healthy heart.

This book will provide you with a collection of delicious and tasty juice and meal recipes that will help you clean your body and improve your health. These juices are based on a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are proven to help clean blood vessels and ease the everyday functions of your heart.

Start with one recipe and then try them all. Make your heart stronger one day at a time with these great recipes!

EAN: 9781635317503
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