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The Ultimate Method for Dealing with Stress - Orman MD Doc

The Ultimate Method for Dealing with Stress - Orman MD Doc

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Learn the Ultimate Method for Getting Rid of Stress

I Believe Anyone Can Eliminate Stress and Anxiety Using These Proven Strategies

If you want to be happier, healthier and more peaceful, this book is for you! You will learn:

Why Just Managing Stress Isn't Actually Good For You

Dr. Mort Orman has been studying stress and the impact of negative thinking on your health, success and life for years. After dozens of years of research, he found that simply managing stress isn't good enough! Instead of managing stress in a way that never solves your root problems, it's time for a better approach that actually lets you win the game of stress!

You see, most people don't understand that there is are invisible rules that create stress in your life. And because these rules are invisible and we're not taught them in school or by the media or popular culture, most people live their whole lives never understanding how stress actually works. That's why someone can spend their entire life trying to manage stress and still feel stressed out, grumpy and generally unhappy about life. It's not your fault! You just haven't been taught the rules of stress that will help you win in life.

In this book, you will discover these hidden rules and learn exactly what to do about stress to get rid of it instead of spending all your time trying to just manage stress.

About The Author

MORT (Doc) ORMAN, M.D. is an Internal Medicine physician, author, stress coach, and founder of the Stress Mastery Academy. He has been teaching people how to eliminate stress, without managing it, for more than 30 years. He has also conducted seminars and workshops on reducing stress for doctors, nurses, veterinarians, business executives, students, the clergy, and even the F.B.I. Dr. Orman's award-winning book, The 14 Day Stress Cure (1991), is still one of the most helpful and innovative books on the subject of stress ever written. Dr. Orman and his wife, Christina, a veterinarian, live in Maryland.

EAN: 9781631610097
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Orman MD Doc
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