You're the Principal! Now What? - Jen Schwanke
- Strategies and Solutions for New School Leaders
A principal's job is astonishingly complex, and its competing demands can be overwhelming, especially in the first few years. In this book, Jen Schwanke, a principal herself, provides a mentor's guidance to steer new principals through the period of adjustment and set the foundation for a long and rewarding career. The topics you wish your graduate program had covered are covered here--directly, practically, and without the jargon.
Drawing on her own experience, Schwanke provides strategies for tackling the most common yet most daunting challenges of the principalship, including
- Establishing productive professional relationships
- Building and maintaining a positive school culture
- Resolving conflict among staff and parents
- Providing effective instructional leadership
- Supporting students' social-emotional needs
- Conducting staff evaluations and delivering feedback
- Keeping up with district, state, and federal mandates
- Managing the facility and the budget
- Providing focused and effective professional development
- Prioritizing responsibilities
- Learning from student and schoolwide data
- Planning for growth and change
- Working through behavior and discipline issues
- Hiring high-quality teachers and supporting new ones
- Leading effective meetings
- Maintaining balance
The standalone chapters provide easy access to the solutions you need for the situations you face. Along with real-life scenarios and critical tips for success, you'll find helpful models of what to do, what to say, and how to say it. This book is a source for ideas any time you encounter a problem and think, "Now what?" It's the beginning of an ongoing conversation about the wonderful and rewarding work of being a principal.
EAN: 9781416622215