The Every Wild - Pluecker JD
The Every Wild is a book of hooks in connection and desire, bodies human and non-human, living and dead, reaching for one another across time and space despite the perils of the every moment. Sweltering in the swamps of the Texas Gulf Coast, the poems and their attendant notes linger in the attempted destruction of binaries, the rhizomatic webs of ancestry and supremacy, hook-ups and toppled gravestones. The book is an attempt to see what happens when the inherited begonia plant and the concreted swamp are understood in an embodied and etymological way, grappling with their colonization, while still loving and caring for them as entities. "To lover the fallen branch" as one poem says. In this book is some diversion, some joy, some very queer connections, and also an intense unrequited longing to undo the historical legacies of supremacy, domination, and fear.
EAN: 9781957840321