Consciousness Influences Epigenetics in the Development of Disease - Ingrid Fredriksson PhD
Body and soul belong together -A healthy soul in a healthy body. If we do not listen to the soul, the body begins to speak.
At a scientific conference in Tucson, Ingrid Fredriksson's study on how our consciousness affects our epigenetics - indeed our whole life - received an excellent reception - from universities worldwide to individual researchers. "This must be spread all over the world," it said. All help is needed for this.
This book is about what we can't see but which affects our whole life, how epigenetics regulates our gene activity, which genes are switched on or off: in a certain cell type, various disease states, or response to a physiological or psychological stimulus. Special attention is paid to the study of how emotions affect health.
Being subjected to physical or mental abuse stresses you out and affects your health. Depressed and stressed people have a shorter lifespan, here we get the answer to how negative emotions affect our consciousness and epigenetics. Sometimes it can be years of mental stress, sometimes it's an unhappy childhood that causes ill health. By thinking and focusing on the positive, we not only become happier, but we live longer.
The results of Fredriksson's study -most likely the first of its kind - show how epigenetics work in practice, in our daily lives, and how health and illness depend on our consciousness and emotions, something that everyone - not least our doctors - must be told.
EAN: 9781965463420