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Octogenarian Odyssey Part 2 - Fletcher Robert D.
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Octogenarian Odyssey Part 2 - Fletcher Robert D.

  • Can't Stop Pedaling
109,92 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy
Odroczone płatności. Kup teraz, zapłać za 30 dni, jeżeli nie zwrócisz

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Bob Fletcher is a regular guy: a former school principal, a dad, a husband, and a friend. What makes him unique, however, is his zest for life, his courage in the face of the unknown, and his unwavering optimism. Even in the face of utter tragedy, he refuses to give up. He believes life is a gift-a gift we should all make the most of.

After a typical Canadian childhood in Ontario and Alberta, Bob eventually went on-after a few initial stumbles-to become a high school principal. He married his childhood sweetheart, traveled around the world with her before settling down to work, and then became a father.

As life often does, it got in the way for a while, and Bob found himself tired and out of shape. But with nothing but determination, he pulled himself out of that rut, trained to run marathons, and eventually opened a running store. Not long after, he rediscovered his love for cycling and never looked back.

Bob retired early and built a golf-tour company in Australia. He and his wife wintered in warm climates until her Alzheimer's advanced to the point where they could no longer travel. When fate dealt him that cruel blow, he brought her home to Canada and stayed by her side.

After her passing, Bob, like anyone would, struggled for a time. But his love for life and adventure eventually pulled him out of it. He traveled the world again, cycling through Europe, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, riding 10,400 km from Anchorage, Alaska, to Mexico City, Mexico, and walking the entire 800 km of the French Camino de Santiago. If his wife's death taught him anything, it was that life is short.

So, he lived his. He discovered new places, learned new things, and found new love. His message to you is simple: Go live your life. Don't let it fade away on "somedays" and "maybes," especially as you get older. Do something-anything-every day.

EAN: 9781965463970
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Fletcher Robert D.
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Zamówienie w terminie, jestem bardzo zadowolona
Bardzo przemyślany i przyjazny interfejs klienta sprawia, że robienie zakupów to czysta przyjemność. Kody rabatowe i promocje sprawiają, że ceny są praktycznie bezkonkurencyjne. Czas oczekiwania na realizację zamówienia jest bardzo krótki, a towar odpowiednio zabezpieczony.