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The K-Report - Harry Katzan Jr.

The K-Report - Harry Katzan Jr.

  • A New Hybrid Writing Genre
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Welcome to the K-Report. It is a method that will make your life better. That is, if you have to write something like a paper, book, term paper, essay, or anything else in that category. The first thing that will pop in to your mind is that it is AI, and we all know by now that the letters stand for Artificial Intelligence. The subject of this book uses AI, but it isn't AI. The name Artificial Intelligence emanated from an academic conference at Dartmouth College in the summer of 1956. There is no great advantage at this time to mention the participants, except that they are all famous and extremely intelligent. It is proper, however, to mention that Claude Shannon and John McCarthy coined the catchy name Artificial Intelligence and a couple of other participants from Carnegie Tech - now Carnegie Mellon - namely Herbert Simon and Allen Newell coined the name Complex Information Processing. The zippy title Artificial Intelligence was selected, and one can imagine what it would be like today if the second title had won out. One of the most useful concepts imbedded in AI is generative AI. Generative AI is a process that uses three forms: a foundation of information, an application model, and a sophisticated front end that makes the information useful. It is s a system that generates information for use by the end user. With generative AI, a computer system is trained with reinforcement learning through human feedback, and a reward system that analyzes, combines various forms, and ranks the responses. There is one well known generative AI product and it is known as ChatGPT, that processes text, next words, sentences, and paragraphs bases on some learning foundation. GPT is an acronym for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer and Chat is a bot that talks - in a sense - and comes from the word Chatbot. Human intellectual formulation is based on a generative model. You do not need to know this but it sounds good. The notion of a K-Report is a hybrid writing form that combines the written word and generated information from a generative AI application. Through this process, much like human formulation, precise writing is accomplished with the combination of a written document and generated information. This book is an example for the reader of a hypothetical problem that is addressed through human cooperation with generated information. The K-Report process helps to make a written contribution more exact and more efficient. The book itself combines a typical human problem with generated information. The example has no obvious application other than to inform the reader. This book contains no violence, no sex, and no bad language. It is accessible to readers of all ages. The author would like to thank his daughter Kathryn for assistance with the project and for her love and kindness.

EAN: 9781663264985
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Harry Katzan Jr.
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Dziękuję za szybką wysyłkę i świetnie zrealizowane zamówienie :)
Wszystko ok ;)