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Sparks of the Revolution - Otis Todd
AutorzyOtis Todd
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Sparks of the Revolution - Otis Todd

  • James Otis and the Birth of American Democracy -- A Novel
Cena regularna94,56 zł
94,48 zł
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At a time when Democracy is under attack, the riveting new novel, Sparks of the Revolution, is a vibrant reminder of where our Democracy was born and the people and principles that brought it to life. A small group of patriots, first sparked by a lawsuit James Otis brought and then argued, led Boston and, ultimately, the 13 colonies to move from resistance to revolution. Otis argued against allowing arrogant customs officials to enter, without warning, into Boston's homes and businesses, supposedly in search of smuggled goods. He popularized the phrase "a man's house is his castle."Sparks of the Revolution brings to life the people and events that ultimately led to a painful and bloody separation from Great Britain. England's thirst for revenue led to attempts to tax Americans without allowing any voice or representation of those being taxed. The brave citizens of Boston said "NO" to the most powerful country on earth.

"Sparks of the Revolution made me feel like I was right there in pre-Revolutionary Boston, both emotionally and intellectually... This book gives us a chance to reflect on the foundation of our Democracy. What an opportunity to see our common roots and move us toward a more unified America! This is a must-read book for patriots of today, whether liberal or conservative." --Tom Ridge, former Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security

"Sparks of the Revolution does a terrific job bringing to life the key leaders in Boston who led America into the Revolutionary War. The historic scenes and larger-than-life figures that Todd Otis describes are vivid and engaging. Most importantly, the book reminds us that ideals, such as truth, justice and freedom that were the bedrock of our fight for independence, are still relevant today as we work to preserve and protect our democracy." -- Amy Klobuchar, US Senator, Minnesota

From Modern History Press

EAN: 9781615997879
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Otis Todd
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