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Lanterns in the Forest - Howze Scheryka

Lanterns in the Forest - Howze Scheryka

  • Stories to Light the Adolescent Journey
52,15 zł
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Hello, wonderful community! Today, I'm thrilled to share something truly close to my heart-a project born from the desire to light the way for our teens as they navigate the complex paths of adolescence. "Paths of Wisdom" isn't just a book; it's a compass for young souls on the brink of discovery. Through captivating parables, this collection explores the vibrant, often challenging journey of growing up. From the excitement of new experiences to the trials of making tough decisions, each story is a beacon, guiding teens towards understanding, patience, and wisdom. Our mission? To empower our youth. In a world where pressures mount and choices abound, "Paths of Wisdom" offers a moment of reflection, a breath of insight, and a step towards self-discovery. This book is more than stories-it's a conversation starter, a bridge between generations, and a toolkit for life's adventures. We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire change, to foster empathy, and to illuminate the path ahead. With "Paths of Wisdom," we invite our teens to explore not just the world around them, but the depths within themselves. Join us on this journey. Share the light. Spread the wisdom. Let's together, ensure that our young adventurers are not just prepared for the journey ahead but excited for the treasures they'll find within and beyond.

EAN: 9781304540874
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Howze Scheryka
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