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What Not To Do - Spain (A Unique Travel Guide) - Sarah Brekenridge

What Not To Do - Spain (A Unique Travel Guide) - Sarah Brekenridge

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What Not to Do - Spain (A Unique Travel Guide)


·       Are you searching for a concise travel guide that gives just the right amount of information to plan your trip to Spain? Do you not want information overload like traditional travel guides?

·       Are you searching for a travel guide that provides information on 'things to do' and 'things not to do' in Spain to make your experience hassle-free?

·       Are you searching for a travel guide that expertly provides insider tips to save money and avoid crowds to make your experience more enjoyable and safer?

·       Are you looking for a travel guide with many color pictures and images of 100+ tourist attractions in Spain (only a few of the pictures from traditional travel guides are in color. Most pictures are typically in black ' white)?  


If the answer is 'yes', then keep reading.


Spain is a truly beautiful country with endless life-changing experiences in store.


There is no other place in the world where you can bask in the warmth and glow of a stunning beach, immerse yourself in the mystical and enthralling history of a neo-Gothic city center, and indulge in the rich culture of a local festival all in the same day.


And on the culinary front, you get to enjoy a delicious array of local drinks and dishes that flamenco with your taste buds!


No wonder over 100 million travelers choose Spain as their destination of choice each year!


However, Spain is just as large a country as it is magical and diverse.


And planning a trip here can easily leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed... especially if you've never set foot in Spain before.


With so many breathtaking sites to explore, how can you make sure that you see everything you want?


If you're feeling this itinerary planning stress, don't worry... you're in the right place!


This book provides an essential guide to the do's and don'ts of visiting Spain so that you can truly immerse yourself in Spanish history, culture, and cuisine while avoiding tourist traps.


In this travel guide, you will discover


●      8 comprehensive guides to traveling Spain's most impressive and tourist-friendly cities, from sunny Valencia to gorgeous San Sebastian.

●      Everything you need to know to safely travel in Spain - whether you rent some wheels or help yourself to public transport

●      How to pack for your trip like a pro - from suitcase essentials to important travel documents, this book has you covered

●      The authentic Barcelona experience - fill your itinerary with beach days, gothic adventures, and thrilling nights of festivities and local events

●      When in Spain... Essential do's and don'ts to local traditions and customs (and saving yourself from embarrassment)

●      Why you should visit the vibrant and underrated city of La Coruna at least once, and expert advice on what to do once you're there

●      Your key to living, eating, and breathing Spain like a local, with local eatery recommendations to make your stay tantalizingly magical

EAN: 9781963932003
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Sarah Brekenridge
Potrzebujesz pomocy? Masz pytania?Zadaj pytanie a my odpowiemy niezwłocznie, najciekawsze pytania i odpowiedzi publikując dla innych.
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