Cookbook for Revenge - Sanchez Gilbert-Alan
- Revenge is a Process
After working in the hospitality industry all his life, Aaron had seen and endured so much abuse of power and people that the pleasure the industry used to give to him was gone and replaced with anger and resentment. What he thought he could never do finally happened. His fantasies of getting revenge finally came to the surface, and he decided to create a cookbook of recipes--recipes for revenge. Like any good chef, he practiced his craft, making each person suffer more and more each time, seeing the fear in their eyes before executing the recipes he created just for them. Aaron does something that most can only dream of doing--he gets revenge on those that deserve it.
Keep your eyes open and your head on a swivel because someday, it will be your time. You know who you are. Aaron will be the creator of the recipes that you will be a part of, and there is no second chance with him.
EAN: 9781662473760