I See Lincoln's Underpants - Sullivan Mick
- The Surprising Times Underwear (and the People Wearing Them) Made History
We all wear underwear - even famous people like Buzz Aldrin, Queen Victoria, and Satchel Paige. Through the ages, plenty of these figures have made history. Sometimes their underwear did, too (even if they might have tried to hide it). From Abe Lincoln's embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions to Amelia Bloomer's eponymous undies to Otzi the Iceman's 5300-year-old skivvies, I See Lincoln's Underpants opens the top drawers of some of history's most interesting people for more than just a peek.
In addition to Short Shorts and the Underwear Hall of Fame, sixteen biographical chapters highlight the lives and most interesting moments of people like "Australian Mermaid" Annette Kellermann, silent film star Buster Keaton, and inventor Garrett Morgan. If you take away nothing else, let it be this: Always leave the house in a fresh pair. You never know what could happen.
EAN: 9781631070471