In the Slipstream of Time - Tom Kiske
"In The Slipstream of Time" is the 2023 winner of the Fezziwig Prize for word-slinging, according to Felix Fezziwig, Chairman and sole member of the Committee to Figure Stuff Out. The Fezziwig Prize carries no monetary award, nor does it confer much recognition or prestige. There is, however, a gala award dinner at Buster's Burger Joint on Old Potato Road, which draws attendees from all over the metro area.
In his now-famous acceptance speech, Mr. Kiske said, "I am proud and humble - or maybe humiliated - that y'all gimme this here prize, even though I had to pay for my own hamburger. I don't know if I really deserve it, onna counta all's I done was write down some stuff that happened or maybe I hallucinated or something."
One of the attendees, or perhaps a Burger Joint customer, stood and shouted, "Hey, what's that there book about, anyways?"
"I think about 200 pages," Kiske replied.
"Well, it is deeply evocative?"
"Uh..." Kiske stammered.
"Is it smart, compelling and heartfelt?"
"Is it a page-turner, a tour-de-force?"
"Um, I gotta go now," Kiske said as the audience erupted into a chorus of guffaws, belches and farts.
EAN: 9781638681533