Evangelism in Europe - Wiher Hannes
To think Europe represents a challenge. A challenge that may seem foolish to take up, but which corresponds to a reality. Some great personalities accepted this challenge, just after World War II. It was really necessary to do something! As regards missiology, it took more than a half century to confront the task. It is time to meet our responsibilities. The gravity and extreme complexity of this challenge call for a deep awareness of the situation in Europe, an analysis of contemporary practices, a theological reflection on the spiritual condition of Europeans, the witness of old and new churches, and the nature of the Gospel that has to be announced.
Profiting from an overview of Europe, we are at the same time aware of the particularities that each country presents. The commonalities and the differences will both shape the evangelistic approach adopted in each European country. Looking at the whole of Europe, we will also become more conscious of Europe’s specific challenges and opportunities.
This is a considerable enterprise. Many have been engaged in it recently. The Network of evangelical missiologists in French speaking Europe (REMEEF) wants to make its modest contribution. It hopes that this book will be an encouraging read and provide the tools and innovative ideas for those eager to be Daniels and Calebs for our fellow Europeans.
EAN: 9783957760814