Short and Sweet Takes the Fifth - King Susan Cheeves
In this book, the fifth in the Short and Sweet series, you’ll find a collection of stories, much like the other books in the series. With few exceptions (listed in the Introduction) each is written using only one-syllable words or words of fewer than six letters. The difference in this book? These 45 authors challenge you to decide whether their stories are fiction or non-fiction. Discover why it’s often a great idea to keep it Short and Sweet.
Contributors include: Tabitha Abel, Karen Allen, Joylene Bailey, Lanita Boyd, Jenny Calvert, Jeanetta Chrystie, Sharon Cook, Lin Daniels, Jorja Davis, Steve Duke, Nicey T. Eller, Jacinta Fontenelle, Heidi Gaul, Pamela Groves, Sara Hague, Leah Hinton, Paul Hinton, Patricia Huey, Charles Huff, Penny Hunt, Tom Kennedy, Liz Kimmel, Susan Maas, Darlene Mackey, Angela Mattingly, Alice H. Murray, Kelly Pankratz, Debra Pierce, Ken Proctor, Frank Ramirez, Michael Reynolds , Reba Rhyne, Susanna Robar, Dottie Rogers, Pamela Rosales, Toni Sample, Laura Seeley, Dan Shorts, Lisa Worthey Smith, E.V. Sparrow, Randy Swanson. Jewell Utt, Mary Hunt Webb, Ken White, Andrea Woronick.
EAN: 9781604950496