Dog and Duck - Arthur Machen
This fascinating book contains a collection of essays on various subjects written by Arthur Machen. 'Dog and Duck' is an interesting book sure to appeal to fans and collectors of Machen's work. The chapters of this book include: 'Dog And Duck, Why New Year?', 'On Valentines And Other Things', 'On Simnel Cakes', 'April Fool!', 'The Merry Month Of May', 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'July Sport With Some Remarks', 'A Thorough Change', 'Roast Goose', 'Martinmas', 'Christmas Mumming', 'A Talk For Twelfth Night' as well as many others! Arthur Machen (1863 - 1947) was a Welsh author and mystic, who is most remembered for his influential supernatural fantasy and horror-fiction. We are proud to republish this antique book, now complete with a new prefatory biography of the author.
EAN: 9781447418832