Rich Slow Is My Homeboy - Debbie Trominski
- Real Estate Investing Redefined
Hooray! It’s a real estate investing book that is a blast to read and shares encouraging insights on an easy and straightforward method of real estate investing that's attainable for the average person. Written in a playful, irreverent tone, you’ll crack some smiles as you learn how to secure your financial future and minimize taxes by using the wealth you already have in your home. This method carefully showcases how the average middle class individual can become a powerful real estate investor and retire rich without having to accumulate millions of dollars in retirement savings accounts. Using Debbie’s steady and methodical approach, you’ll see how you can potentially double the size of your investment home portfolio every four-to-seven years without touching your savings account. The power of leverage and appreciation can make you rich if you understand and take advantage of them and Rich Slow Is My Homeboy is here to help. The best part is that this method is distinctly low-maintenance as compared to other investing strategies and it lets you continue to focus on your family and career. Rich Slow Is My Homeboy is a refreshingly fun and fast read in the oftentimes dull field of investment texts and it demonstrates that you don’t have to be slick, or to the other extreme, austere, to build a lasting financial legacy with real estate. Give it a read and before long Rich Slow will also be your homeboy.
EAN: 9780578612515