Credit Overhaul - Patrick Nicholas
- Repair Your Finances, Lower Your Debt & Grow Your Credit Score
'h1''b'Take Control of Your Financial Wellbeing'/b''/h1''h1'If you are in debt right now you know how stressful it can feel. Being in debt can undermine your financial, physical and mental health, affect your happiness and relationships, and keep you from achieving your dreams and aspirations.'/h1''h1'In addition, being in debt can significantly affect your credit score, or rather, your “credit worthiness'. This can affect all areas of your life, including your ability to get a mortgage, rent an apartment or get a loan for a car or education.'/h1''h1''b'Take Action Now:'/b''/h1''h1' - Get A Grasp Of Your Current Financial Situation'/h1''h1' - Take Control of Your Finances'/h1''h1' - Tackle Your Debt And Improve Your Credit Score'/h1''h1' - Take Steps to Build Your Wealth'/h1''h1' - Assume A Successful Mindset For Financial Success'/h1''h1''b'Stop Worrying About Your Finances and Take Action To Being Debt Free, Financially Secure and On Your Way To Meeting Your Financial Goals'/b''/h1''h1''b' Say Goodbye to Financial Stress and Buy This Book To Get Started'/b''/h1'
EAN: 9781999215828