Build Confidence - Mahlatini Dr Stem Sithembile
- Become Unafraid, Irrestible & Successful
Build Confidence explains how to increase your self-confidence by thinking like a free and fearless performer in every life aspect. This book is filled with steps you can take to slowly begin to boost your confidence and maintain ever-higher levels of self-confidence in everything you do. Self-confidence allows you to move out of your comfort zone and take risks without any guarantees. You’ve got what it takes. With step-by-step guidance, this Build Confidence book will help you finally build the foundations of lifelong self-confidence. Your confidence is beyond your fears.
The book covers titles like:
Why Confidence Matters: Self Worth ........................
How To Be Confident: Take Care of Your Body ......
Why Confidence Matters: Careers .............................
How To Be Confident: Toss Your Weakness In The Trash
and Walk Away.....................................................................
What Is Self Confidence .................................................
How To Be Confident: Dare To Show You Care........... and MORE
EAN: 9781732827592