Preventing Autism - Gordon Jay
- What You Can Do to Protect Your Children Before and After Birth
A groundbreaking approach to preventing autism-from a renowned pediatrician.
Something is happening to our children, and Dr. Jay Gordon is determined to stop it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in eighty-eight children in the United States is being diagnosed with developmental disorders on the autism spectrum (ASD). The accelerating ASD epidemic parallels industry's increased use of untested chemicals in manufacturing and our food supply. Preventing Autism identifies the toxic environmental triggers that can cause autism in susceptible children. Dr. Gordon presents a practical plan for safeguarding the neurological development of your children, from pre-pregnancy preparation through your baby's first twenty-four months.
When you are pregnant, everything you experience-the air you breathe, what you eat and drink, the chemicals to which you are exposed, your emotions-is shared with your baby. Your child's health depends on creating an optimal environment for growth before and after birth.
Preventing Autism offers a plan for eliminating harmful chemicals from your everyday life that can disrupt the development of your baby. Dr. Gordon believes we can combat autism one family at a time.
EAN: 9781118386729