The Armoire - Joy Ione
What secrets are hidden inside the armoire?
Maxine, a psychology major from Wisconsin, has always wondered what her grandmother kept locked away in her armoire. But when she inherits it, Maxine unlocks something divine and wonderful that’s to lead her to the answer of her life’s biggest question – what is my purpose? She embarks on a journey that opens her eyes, opens her heart, and lights a fire in her soul. She’s shown things that people only dream of, as well as the things of nightmares. Inspired, Maxine sets her life on a new course, but life comes with pain, just as it does joy. Shaken by a devastating discovery, she has to learn to trust God to go where she cannot and protect who she cannot. Will she be able to stay the course, or will the discovery be too much for her to bear?
EAN: 9781632134189