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The Healer, Part One - Brown Riley S.

The Healer, Part One - Brown Riley S.

  • Book Twenty-One of the Chronicles of AR Solon
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Nearly four summers have gone by since Ranyll Tolver has left to look for his dwarven friend, Oagthor Axeblade, and has yet to find neither hide nor hair of him. Dreams have ceased to exist for the inhabitants with the exception of Ranyll, who is plagued by them day and night. Ranyll has grown into a man over this time and has learned to use the powers bestowed upon him by the fire fox D'meir, though the use of magik in a world of none comes with disastrous results. An enemy of great power has come to rid the world of Ranyll and his abilities, hoping to strike down any possibilities that the human has to uncover the truth about his grand scheme and who he really is. Ranyll must travel to the Island of Dree to find the truth that he has been looking for since that fated day in the caverns of Dardist. There, he will face what many inhabitants fear; a great island of horrors that which few have ever returned to tell of. Allegiances will perish and hope will fade. A flawed, yet curious young man on a journey... The Emcrist, a shattered faction of inhabitants that intend on recreating Ar Solon to their own liking... What one swift stroke began, another can end. Will the fate of all of Ar Solon rest within the hands of Ranyll Tolver and his visions? Can the dreams of one save the dreams of all? Once known, can Ranyll Tolver fulfill his destiny before others set ruin to a continent locked in an accursed time? From epic fantasy writer Riley S. Brown, come the continuing adventures of Ranyll Tolver and his ragtag bunch of humans and a dwarf. The epic struggle between darkness and light continues, but what truth it unveils may be too much for many of the inhabitants to bear.

EAN: 9780989316637
Kod produktu
Brown Riley S.
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Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
Produkt dostałem wcześniej niż przedstawiano w zamówieniu, co było dla mnie dużą niespodzianką. Cena przystępna ( stąd wybór) Opakowanie bez zbędnych taśm, łatwe do otworzenia. Jednym słowem nie ma się czego przyczepić. Tylko kawka, fotel i fajna lektura. i to już któryś raz to samo. Pozdrowienia dla całej obslugi z głębokich Bieszczad Marek Irzyński Cena
Kompetentna i szybka odpowiedź.