Uniting Diverse Organizations - Angel Saz-Carranza
- Managing Goal-Oriented Advocacy Networks
Networks are made up of organizations. Goal-directed networks are those that come together to achieve a shared objective, in addition to the individual organization-specific goals. This book's focus is on the management of goal-directed networks. Despite the fact that formalized goal-directed interorganizational networks have become extremely popular in the public and nonprofit sectors, as many social problems require concerted action, publications on managing goal-directed networks do not exist. In this book, author Angel Saz-Carranza examines four networks that differ by size, scope, and geographical location. He offers a novel and innovative framework focusing on networks' inherent internal tensions between unity and diversity, paralleling the differentiation/integration tension found in organization theory, which has not previously been applied to interorganizational networks.
EAN: 9781138109698
Oprawa Skórzana