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Really Should Stay - Carin Hart
AutorzyCarin Hart

Really Should Stay - Carin Hart

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When he's obsessed with the one who got away...so his twin gifts her to him for Christmas.


There are only two people in this world that I've ever cared about: my twin... and her.


Miss Carlisle.

My English teacher when I was in high school-and the woman I couldn't stay away from, even when she told me I should.

Even when all of Shadowvale thought I should... as if I cared about that. Still, I did what was expected of me. I didn't pursue her until after I graduated.

Then, after the fateful Halloween when I turned nineteen, I claimed her as mine-but, by Christmas, she was gone.

I didn't chase. That's always been Hunter's thing, and he tried to find her for me. I know he did.

What I didn't know? Was that he never stopped searching-just like I never stopped thinking of Tamryn of mine.

So when Hunter one-ups last year's birthday gift to him by leaving Tamryn next to my Christmas tree this year, there's no doubt in mind about what I'm going to do with her.

Anything I want.


I made it a little over two years as a teacher before scandal had me changing my name, changing my looks, and walking away from the biggest mistake I ever made.

Eleven years later, I have to admit that leaving was a bigger one.

Nicholas Reed. I knew what I was getting into when I went to his house that Halloween, but I thought it was okay. He was the one he pursued me, and he wasn't my student anymore.

No. But when he killed my ex in front of me, then expected me to look past it, I knew that he was more trouble than I needed-especially when I end up being the cops' only suspect in Logan's murder.

I kept my silence about what Nicholas did, and, in exchange, he kept his distance. But as the years slipped by, I couldn't help but think I saw him there. Over my shoulder, in the reflection of a storefront window, even in my gated community.

But it wasn't Nicholas, was it? It was his twin-and he's finally decided it's time I go where I belong.

It's time I return to Shadowvale and face the man Nicholas has become, and who I'm still inexplicably drawn to a decade after I saw him last... even after he makes me a deal that I can't afford to refuse.

EAN: 9781961594135
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Carin Hart
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