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Multifamily Apartment Syndications - Chris Roberts

Multifamily Apartment Syndications - Chris Roberts

  • The Truth about Buying and Selling Your First Value-Add Building
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If you want to learn how investors can create significant wealth in multifamily real estate, Multifamily Apartment Syndications is the book for you!

Veteran real estate investor and syndicator Chris Roberts, a passionate proponent of the investment potential of multifamily real estate, draws on his extensive experience making money for himself and his investors in the sector to explain how he invests in multifamily value-add projects.

In this book, you will discover:

  • How to create and build a real estate company to purchase and renovate existing multifamily properties.
  • What you need to know about sourcing and negotiating multifamily deals with high profit potential.
  • Why Class C properties can offer significant upside potential for investors who renovate these types of apartment complexes.
  • A step-by-step description of how Sterling Rhino Capital, Roberts company, purchased, renovated and sold a Class C multifamily property for a ROI substantially greater than anticipated.
  • The type of terms savvy investors seek when engaging in contract negotiations with a property seller.
  • How to work with contractors to get a rehab done on time and within budget.
  • Steps to take to help maximize the price you get when selling a multifamily property.
  • How to work with investors to amplify your ability to purchase multifamily properties.

The book provides a comprehensive recipe for learning the skills necessary to purchase, rehab and sell value-add multifamily property. It includes the story of how Roberts went from earning uninspiring returns in the stock market to making substantial sums of money running a real estate company investing in multifamily apartment buildings.

Roberts explains how he started in real estate buying, rehabbing and selling single family homes before expanding into multifamily properties. He also covers the benefits real estate offers investors as an asset class. These include: the ability to earn monthly income from rent payments, tax benefits in the form of depreciation, and the possibility of capital gains if the property increases in value.

Multifamily Apartment Syndications demystifies the process of investing in value-add multifamily real estate, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in learning how investors can profit from this asset class.

EAN: 9781637352366
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Chris Roberts
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