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Letting Go of Imposter Syndrome - Serena Choo

Letting Go of Imposter Syndrome - Serena Choo

  • Stop Overthinking, Release Self-Doubt and Anxiety, and Embrace Who You Truly Are
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Chronic self-doubt, performance anxiety, perfectionism, procrastination, discounting one's own value despite evidence to the contrary and fear of being "found out,"-these are some of the many symptoms felt by those experiencing imposter syndrome. Yet, most people who grapple with it don't know about it and think there's something inherently wrong with them; and it can hold them back in business or career.


Yet, many self-help books can inadvertently lead to an individual with imposter syndrome feel worse about themselves, because they tend to address the individual symptoms of imposter syndrome, instead of the root cause.


In this "workshop in a book," readers will understand why tackling the individual symptoms of imposter syndrome on their own, such as perfectionism, self-doubt, or lack of confidence, are short-lived and ineffective by themselves. They will also get to understand the underlying issue that must be addressed instead, without digging into the past or trying to find blame.


The book provides a roadmap of practical strategies, with real-life anecdotes, and exercises. The reader is guided to personalize their solutions to tame overthinking, self-judgment and imposter anxiety, while letting go of automatic thinking and out-dated conditioning that no longer serves.


Letting Go of Imposter Syndrome is an intensely personal guide to recognizing one's value, uncovering inner self-assuredness and embracing one's true authentic self.

EAN: 9780954597450
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Serena Choo
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