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The Watchers - Jo Sisk-Purvis

The Watchers - Jo Sisk-Purvis

  • A YA Fantasy Adventure
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Watchers can see and track a bird miles away; Listeners can hear a whisper a village away; and Knowers, extinct for 500 years, possessed telepathic powers straight out of a nightmare.

"The novel's world-building is stellar... renders the complex history and culture of Alesea's world with rich, evocative detail... With its deft storytelling, colorful and polished writing, and immensely likable central character, THE WATCHERS by Jo Sisk-Purvis is a captivating opening chapter of a promising new fantasy adventure series." ~ Indie Reader, Edward Sung (4.5 STARS)

16-year-old Alesea thinks her sole extraordinary trait is her musical talent. That changes when foreign Watchers invade her tiny island on the night of her professional debut. She alone escapes, unwittingly using the powers of a Knower.

Alesea must now save her people, but first she must come to grips with her dangerous new identity and her pacifist beliefs... and she has only a traitor to help her.

EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTS the first thrilling installment in "The Trekana" series of other-world, young adult, sci-fi/fantasy adventures.

"Jo Sisk-Purvis weaves a fascinating journey into the fantasy world of The Watchers. When I finish a book and instantly want to start the next in the series, I know the author has succeeded; this author has, and I can highly recommend The Watchers." ~ Readers' Favorite Book Reviews, Grant Leishman (5 STARS)

"A captivating YA fantasy with great character development and strong series potential... YA fantasy fans are going to love The Watchers. This book has adventure, fascinating lore, colorful characters, and a smidge of slow burn romance." ~ Independent Book Review

"This is a fine book, and the first part of what will be an important young adult trilogy, but one that adults can enjoy as well. A new talent has given us a fine gift. Buy it, read it, and think deeply about the story. The rewards are magnificent." ~ Philip Lee Williams, American Novelist, Poet, and Essayist

EAN: 9781622530359
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